Gratitude and Giving Back

The Estero Bay Dental team volunteered at Free Dental Care Day. This event offered adults who don’t otherwise have access to dental care their choice of a filling, an extraction or a cleaning free of charge.

Deep Cleanings: Everything You Need to Know

Dental cleaning in Estero, FL

Patients often have questions about why they need a deep cleaning, what’s involved, and why the cleaning itself wasn’t as uncomfortable or time-consuming as they expected. In this blog we try to take some of the mystery out of deep cleanings.

Caring Dentistry: Your Comfort and Well-being Matter Most

Our Estero, Florida practice’s commitment to exceptional dental care can be summed up in two simple words: We Care. In this blog, we’ll delve into the heart of Estero Bay Dental’s philosophy and explore how it translates into a warm and compassionate experience for each and every patient.